Asset Management

Ownership mentality

The fundamental difference between Copaken Brooks and most other third-party fee managers is the fact that our investment, like yours, is at risk. Our best-practice, time-tested asset management services allow us to increase market valuation throughout the life cycle of a commercial real estate asset for corporate, institutional and private investors.

We partner with investors to monitor and analyze the property tenant mix, capital improvement schedule, property manager effectiveness, cash management planning, and much more. After decades of operating with an “owner’s mindset,” you can be assured that Copaken Brooks will always have your best interest as an investor in mind.

  • Our team works to maximize the total return from a property.
  • We develop an asset management plan that will deliver on owners objectives.
  • We provide regular asset management reports to all investors.
  • We provide acquisition and disposition services.
  • We demand quality service and we get results.

meet the Commercial Real Estate Asset Management team

  • Copaken Brooks did a thorough job evaluating the needs of the asset…The work was completed on time and within the approved budget. I could not be more pleased with the results.

    Thomas J. Turner, III University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) Trustees

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