
Investment Acquisition

Attractive Investment Acquisition Opportunities

At Copaken Brooks, we capitalize on our expertise and knowledge in partnership with national companies to provide a competitive advantage when procuring new real estate investment acquisitions. Over the years, we’ve developed numerous joint ventures with a value well over a billion dollars. 

Our team includes active real estate experts and operators who specialize in investing and owning real estate, rather than “fundraisers” who are inexperienced in real property investment. We have relationships within target markets that provide a competitive advantage when procuring new acquisitions. Our team seeks to co-invest alongside our investment partners to ensure everyone’s goals and objectives are aligned.

With decades of experience in evaluating and underwriting, we can expertly manage even the most complex deals to build revenue streams and increase equity capital across all real estate investment categories:

  • Office
  • Retail
  • Industrial
  • Multifamily

Our goal is to target well-located properties primarily with an existing income stream and an investment that appreciates over the hold period based on the following strategies:

  • Increasing net operating income
  • Redevelopment
  • Investing in recovering markets
  • Buying below replacement cost
  • Recapitalizing or repositioning broken developments

Individual Investors

Copaken Brooks often partners with high-net-worth individuals on commercial real estate projects. Inviting co-investment is a priority for our company, and we encourage potential partners to contact us regarding suitable projects. Copaken Brooks has a strong track record thanks to our experience, relationships and longevity.

Institutional Investors

Copaken Brooks is the ideal partner for joint ventures with institutional investors. Our experience and local knowledge mean investors don’t have to be experts in every market where they invest. We provide our partners with a steady pipeline of information, which means committing resources for a local presence is no longer necessary, saving clients valuable time and money.

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